Cast: Nicholas
Hoult, Teresa Palmer, Rob Corddry, John Malkovich
Story: A
story of a Zombie and human falling in love in a post apocalyptic world.
Screenplay and
direction: The direction and screenplay are both very good.
Nicholas Hoult was fabulous in what was a difficult role but he manages to gain
empathy for a character that is hard to identify with. Teresa Palmer and Rob
Corddry were very good too.
The first time the a Zombie movie is narrated from the Zombie’s point of view.
USP: Fresh,
interesting, new plot, charming characters, good performances, funny.
Downside: Loopholes
in plot, sudden redemption is not very believable, drags in some parts and
becomes a bit slow paced.
Verdict: The
movie fits in the Romcom genre; it’s a fresh take on Zombies and a good idea. I
love the Character of R, a show stealer. Even though there are some loopholes
in the plot and some parts of the movie where much doesn’t happen the movie
manages to entertain at the end of the day. 8/10.
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