I recently moved to the port town of Saint John, New Brunswick in Canada. When I say recently I mean it hasn't been a week yet. A combination of things brought me here. Hyderabad was not really a permanent plan, not now at least. I was there because I was home sick in 2016 and something inside me compelled me to go back to India. It turned out to be a very good decision, not only because I was able to spend time with my family and friends, date a wonderful man and get married but also because I got to meet my dad many times in what happened to be his last year. His passing is very fresh in my mind and very much a topic that disturbs me so I will not indulge in it any further, just know that I am glad I moved to India when I did. It was time to go back to Canada and I didn't gravitate towards Toronto. Do not get me wrong I love that city but maybe it was the wander lust or the desire to make it on my own that I applied for jobs in other parts of Canada. In Toronto sometimes one gets stuck in the same circle, same routine, same type pf people and doesn't challenge themselves. There is really no point of a new place if you don't indulge in new experiences. Since I don't have any family in Toronto, it was a no brainer for me. My husband was totally on board of this decision. I was fortunate to quickly find a job in one of the most reputed companies in Atlantic Canada. As I planned my move I realized that my husband's family was quite hesitant about our move. I tackled it with open communication but sometimes I think time does the trick. I also realize how lucky I am, as I don't have to keep defending my decisions to my parents (now parent). As nervous as they might have gotten they trusted me to make the right decision. Even when they disagreed I couldn't be stopped and everyone knew it, not everyone is that lucky. Anyhow, all the hesitation, lack of creative jobs (field my husband is in) as well as Saint John being such a small city really make me nervous about the move. As much as I want to make it on my own, I want my husband with me and his happiness is paramount.
Since our move life has been quite exciting for both of us. Something about setting every little thing in the house and doing everything on our own has made my bond with my husband stronger. We found the house, assembled the IKEA furniture, bought some kitchenware ( Rest will come with the movers) and made our house fully functional in a very short time. I catch my husband smiling happily at our little achievements. He makes the house a home. He has even been able to find a course and a path he will pursue when he is back here in a few months. All of that calms my fears about him settling here well. As small as Saint John is, I think there is a lot to do here. my new employers are very nice and I think I will be able to shine in the interesting work coming my way. My husband and I are seeing this as an opportunity to explore Atlantic Canada and travel, learn new things without the hurry of a busy city. Here's hoping we have a great time here and fall in love even more. Saint John, here we are :)
Since our move life has been quite exciting for both of us. Something about setting every little thing in the house and doing everything on our own has made my bond with my husband stronger. We found the house, assembled the IKEA furniture, bought some kitchenware ( Rest will come with the movers) and made our house fully functional in a very short time. I catch my husband smiling happily at our little achievements. He makes the house a home. He has even been able to find a course and a path he will pursue when he is back here in a few months. All of that calms my fears about him settling here well. As small as Saint John is, I think there is a lot to do here. my new employers are very nice and I think I will be able to shine in the interesting work coming my way. My husband and I are seeing this as an opportunity to explore Atlantic Canada and travel, learn new things without the hurry of a busy city. Here's hoping we have a great time here and fall in love even more. Saint John, here we are :)
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