Language: English
Cast: Laura Brent, Xavier Samuel, Kris Marshall, Kevin
Bishop, Tim Draxl, Rebel Wilson
Story: Three friends accompany their friend for his wedding
from England to Australia,
where everything goes wrong on the wedding day.
Screenplay and direction: The direction is okay but the plot
is weak hence the screenplay is not good.
Performances: Laura Brent, Xavier Samuel, Kris Marshall and
Kevin Bishop were good enough in their roles, maybe a bit of hamming or
overacting would have suited the movie a bit more. The movie didn’t do justice
to their characters. The other actors were okay.
Interesting: The drug dealer was the only funny character in
the movie.
USP: Maybe after getting high or drunk the movie might seem
funny to some people.
Downside: The plot, the mindless chatter, the dull lines,
the idiotic situations. A horrible copy of The hangover.
Verdict: The characters are un-relatable and one-dimensional.
The plot seems like it could work but it doesn’t. There is no sense or humor. Since
when is intentional animal cruelty funny? Its horrible from the word go. I am
very liberal with movie but this one is not worth sitting through. It’s a lot
of stupid people thrown in together doing idiotic unrealistic things with slim
chance of amusing anyone. The lack of humor is the worst part. I kept waiting
for it to have one funny scene but it dint. The movie as my sister rightly put
it is “blah”. It’s an unfunny waste of time. I give it a 1/10. Miss it.
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