Language: English
Cast: Rooney Mara, Channing Tatum, Jude Law, Catherine
Story: A lady suffering from depression gets prescribed anti
depressant drugs that have, in this case, life altering side effects that put
all their lives in jeopardy.
Performances: All actors were very good and played their parts
Interesting: *Spoiler alert* Double jeopardy, prescription drugs and other
elements are well researched and explained.
USP: The story and narration.
Downside: Channing Tatum is wasted. Intriguing music is
missing. *Spoiler alert* Dr. Bank’s wife’s character was not supportive and self
obsessed I didn’t think him getting back to her was a “happy” ending.
Verdict: edge of your seat thriller, I got the same feeling I
get while watching an Alfred Hitchcock. Performances were great and the story
was well woven. Finally, I have seen many movies lately but didn’t get the time
and didn’t put the effort to blog about them this is one movie that made me
blog about it immediately. Do not miss it. 8/10
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